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Solutions Delivery Model

A Clear Path to Digital Transformation

Technology Consulting
Program Development
Systems Design
Project Delivery
Workplace Technology Services
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Technology Consulting
Identifying and assessing technology standards and processes to drive efficiency, functionality, and productivity.
Program Development
Building a repeatable method for workplace technology implementation by aligning processes with key partners and setting technology standards for future project success.
Systems Design
Leveraging the standards established in the consulting and program development phases to find clarity in the convergence of physical space and technology, turning requirements into reality.
Project Delivery
Technology experts working constantly to keep the project team in sync and the technology scope on track while you focus on your core business.
Ensuring the technology within your workplace works and integrating all solutions within the space so there are no disruptions come “SiteREADY” date.
Workplace Technology Services
Post-occupancy services there to support the ongoing challenge of keeping up with technology.
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Bridge the Gap Between CRE & IT

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